Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Odysseus, humane?

Odysseus's return from his trek, left him mortified when he realized how many suitors came and wouldn't leave. When he returned, he had to convince pennelope that it was accually him. Pennelope held a competition that only the true Odysseus would be able to complete. When the true Odysseus completed the task at hand, he went to kill all of the suitors that have disrespected him. Modern day, that would be completely unnecessary, but at the time, it was probably more tolerated than that type of act today. I myself would banish them from my home, but if they were to refuse, then some necessary action would take place. In our opinon, all of the disrespect coming from the suitors, odysseus responded humanely for the time the story takes place. If someone like Barack Obama was in this type of situation then i dont think he would react in the same manner, probably send them out due to him being in high authority. The time period and area this takes place, affects how people see things.

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